Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So, since I have final crits and finals coming up this week and next my sleep schedule has been completely fucked up. I went to bed at four last night; I stayed up studying for my Art History final. Then after that I hung out in a park for awhile with some friends, then went home and slept for three hours between 7:00 and 10:00. Now it's 5:00 in the morning and I'm not exactly tired...

Some of you may remember my genius plan, the QUAD SLEEP CYCLE. It was pretty chill.

It was basically revolved around intervals of six hours awake and six hours asleep. So you'd sleep from 12:00am until 6:00am. You'd get up, work for 6 hours until 12:00pm when you'd sleep until 6:00pm. Then you have a whole other 6 hours to do whatever you want before you need to go back to sleep again. I think when I made it up there was some purpose, but I can't remember it right now. It sounds kind of dumb now that I look back on it, but I've kind of fallen into that pattern...we'll see how tomorrow goes and how much more fucked up my biological clock can get.

It doesn't make any sense, my body should realize that "OH SHIT YOU ONLY GOT LIKE A COUPLE HOURS OF SLEEP YOUR DUMB" so shouldn't I be tired at a reasonable hour tonight?


Oh yeah, and I'll be home on the EVE of the 14th now. Final schedules all figured out and stuff should be good. So I'll see most of you THEN.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Ugh, it hit me today how much I've become Mac.

I have become nearly entirely a Mac. I was one of those kids who didn't even have/use an iPod through MOST of high school, and now EVERYTHING is mac.

The school rolled me a Macbook Pro when I got here, and soon after for my birthday I got an iPod.

Just the other day my phone died and the cheapest alternative was a 260$ pink razer, so I picked up the iPhone because my parents wanted me to have one for while now and I've always considered it. So far I love it, especially since I've been using iCal and the address book online so everything is synced with my computer, it's great. I've only ever broken phones too, I've never lost a phone, so I'm not worried about loosing this one, and it's 400$ so it shouldn't exactly break, so I'm good, I think. It's real chill.

And it hit me I was a Mac when I went to the store today to by a Mac Keyboard because the keyboard on my laptop was freaking. I had my iPod headphone in one ear, my iPhone on the other, and a keyboard in my hand.



Oh my god, each and every one of you guys would have loved that party soo much. It was insane, seriously.

Basically, four of my friends "moved in" to their new apartment on the 1st of April, but since there was a lot of work that still needed to be done, they haven't actually moved any of their stuff into it, but they are paying for it. So we all figured we have a decent sized apartment filled with nothing, might as well throw a party now while nothing can't get ruined. PERFECT PLAN.

And it was so perfect.

Over the course of the week leading up to the partayay, we set up stuff. Oh man, I had so many Deja-voo moments of the first couple raves we put up. This one was on a much smaller scale, but stuff like facebook groups, organizing whose coming, how to tell people about, and setting it feelings ever, although often very stressfull.

So we set up the necessities, a beer pong table we found, colored lights we had laying about, and a couple spinning light guys that a neighbor had.

And of course the sound system and DJ set up. I think I'm going to do this with every party I DJ at from now on. Bascially, it was Harry's speakers that he "gave" me, that I brought to school. Those of you who were there, these were the beauties that helped the Rave-mitsvah on it's way. The worked perfectly, as to be expected, sans a few overloading and shutting down of the receiver it worked quite well. But the booth was the gnarliest most ghetto piece of hot ass shitcake you've ever seen. I just WISH I had a picture to prove it but I kinda don't. It was three milkcrates staked on either side with two speakers (borrowed from mah crazy breakdance bro, Geoff(not tough :()) stacked inside each of them, and it was all held together on top by a piece of folded Cardboard that we wrote all over. Everything was taped together with duck tape and on top sat Har's speaks with the laptop connecting to the receiver on the floor. GHEETTTTO <3.


Mid Party, party shot. The them of the party was 80's, if you can tell from the pictures. So people got all dressed up and the whole week I heard people getting super hyped about it and talking about what they were going to wear. I don't really have 80's cloths, so I just wore like bright colors, which worked. The tunes spun will all hard knockers, with some 80's flair thrown in. Thinking back I KINDA wish it wasn't 80's themed, because thats what people expected to hear and when they didn't get the tunes they wanted the whole time they got annoyed. I figured, the later it got, the less they would care, but I gave 'em some tunes to rock out to and sing along still. It worked real well, actually.

I 'licked' my friend Nhut. And as much as I tell people tongue did not actually touch delicious skin, they don't believe me...

Deeeeejzzzz. Jackie had more tunes to rock the 80's loving crowds, and I threw down bangers, so it was a nice mix. I threw in some XKLUSSIVVVVE H-ROD tracks that tore up the fucking place. gghahh, it's times like that that I NEED my wepo bro's in on the scene :( YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO FUTURE PARTIESSS

Crowd shottt

I am in love with Traktor.

A neighbor, who we later find out even calls the police for a BAR being too loud, called around 1:30ish and people left pretty quickly. Weird thing was, the cop only rolled by, flashed his lights, then rolled out, and that was it. Whatever it was, people still left pretty quick, which is too bad, but the party had peaked already and people were just a drunken mess at this point so there wasn't much sense in staying around.

One of the highlights of the night was when Jackie had the idea to pull down the volume and get a couple people to yell "TAKE YOUR CLOTHS OFFF". We did it. And it was so. PEOPLE GOT NEK. There's some semi-nek pictures flying around, but I'm not going to put them on the 'ol BLOG. It was gnar, tho.

After shot
Here are a couple of my better friends here Caiti on the left and Lyndsay on the right. We hung around with about 4-5 other people after everyone cleared out and pretty much just layed on the floor trying to recover what we could of our energy. Originally we all were planning on spending the night at the house, but the place was so gross and the wooden floor did not seem as appealing as a bed at this point.

You guys gotta come to the 'delph. SHIT GETS RAW

Friday, April 25, 2008

Illadelph Bangers

Solo Deejin' my first 'delph PARTAYAY tonight.

Beats gunna be slick, legs gunna break, shit gunna be raw, nakedness urvehwhur.

I'll let you all know how it goes.


Thursday, April 17, 2008


Here's when everybody is getting back to Wepo if you're not on this list comment on this post with when you'll be home. IT'LL BE RAD.

  • Me - Anywhere between May 5th and May 16th...depending on my final crit schedule

  • Ryan - May 17th (might be 25th if he does this thing)

  • Berry - May 12th

  • Cooper - HOME

  • Chris - May 8th or 12th

  • Evan - Between the 15th and 22nd depending on TAIKOTAIKO

  • Jordan - May 23rd or June 7th depending on Rowing SHIZ

  • Jeremy - Februlary O'Clock

  • Matt - HOME

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On Dat Krypto


Oh yeah, and News from the delph is coming back kicking, so check back.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Show Me the Pink + JAPANTHER

Sunday I went to basement punk show at a friend of mines house. Japanther and Show Me the Pink were playing. I don't really know how he got this deal set up, or how any of it really works, but Japanther is actually a pretty big group. Like, a bunch of people know if them, and now they are playing in some kids basement. I don't get it, but I dig it. The guy that started Japanther went to Pratt actually, which is interesting. Maybe Talia will end up in a punk band someday...

I hadn't much of any of their stuff before seeing the show, but I did know their name. I was exciting, though.

I bike to the house around 7:30 - 8:00ish and meet up with friends inside. Japanther was cool enough to show up late, so you know they are legit. We hang out for awhile and people are gettin a little drunk when before we know it after an hour has gone by and they still haven't showed. We start getting a little bored and anxious so we find a ball and go outside and FOUR SQUARE IT UP. I forgot how great this game is. So, uh, we are going to hit up Long Lots one of this days in the summer and rock out. Def.

So, we see the bands van roll by a little bit later so we head back to the house to see if anything has started up yet. Too many people pile into the basement around Show Me The Pink and they start rocking out.

I'm not really into the punk, at all, but oh my god I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed the show. The music is eh, but IT'S LOUD, ENERGETIC, AND INTOXICATING, so I'm more than down. The scene was gnar, the place was full of tattood, drunk, punkers going crazy. Picture proves it:

No ceiling clearance, I LOVE IT. SO retarded, it's the best.

So, Japanther comes on after and they are dope as shit. They sing into telephones that look like they have just been ripped out of PayPhones and they make their voices sound slightly mechanical which gives a really cool edge.

One of the highlights of the night was the destruction of the place. By the time we left, it was hardly a basement, and much more of a wasteland. Someone had ripped the piping from the ceiling was hanging by these pipes in the middle of the dance floor. It started leaking and people started going crazy and pulling harder until the thing BROKE IN HALF showering the entire crowd and band with gushing gurgling fountains of water pouring from the ceiling. PEOPLE. WENT. NUTS. The guy he lived there tried to fix it for a minute, then went back to dancing a second later. SO GNAR.


This was probably the best ending to any party I've ever been to. A waterpipe was broken showering the basement, Japanther had finished playing the last of all of the songs they've written, and the cops showed up. All within 5 minutes. It could not have been a better finish to an insanely energetic Sunday evening. I'd do it again in a second.

Monday, April 14, 2008

2001: A Space Odyssey

This movie blows my mind.

I love it.

I also love the music.

So this past Friday I went and saw the Philadelphia Orchestra go and play the theme music from the film. They played:

LEGETI'S Atmospheres

BRAHM'S Violin Concerto in d Major. Op. 77

R. STRAUSS'S Also sprach Zarathustra Op. 30

J. STRAUSS. JR. "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" Waltz Op. 314

Ending with Blue Danube was amazing and fit so well. Atmospheres was my favorite piece and Ryan was telling me that this was the first symphony to not have a melody of any sort, which is pretty interesting. Ryan was also telling me that the Philadelphia Orchestra is one of the best Orchestras in the country, which is really cool. They had this dude who did a bunch of solos named Nikolaj Znaider. I've never heard of him before, but they made it sound like he was the greatest violin man in the world. All I know is that this dude was about 10 feet tall and could kill me by looking at me. That was enough.

The whole show was just under 2 hours long. With my student ID I only had to pay $8 to see it. It was great, this couple next to me paid 80$ for their tickets. How's that for a good deal?

Hot Chip

I saw Hot Chip at the Starlight Ballroom last week on Thursday. I've had a number of their remixes and songs of theirs that other people remixed, but I only picked up a CD of just their stuff a couple weeks ago. I dug it, so I had to get tickets. A numbr of my friends were going too, so that was a big incentive.

Lucky me, they all got tickets before the show sold out. So I was the only one in the group of 5 or 6 of us without tickets. Getting tickets was a FIASCO. The only 'logical' way of getting tickets I could think of by using Craigslist. SO, I probably sent out a dozen emails to people claiming to have tickets. I spent an entire week on craigslist seeing if I could get tickets. 90% of the emails I sent out were ignored by the receivers, I got two responses back. When I responded for second time to one of them, I was finally ignored yet again, but mah last boy hooked me up. One thing about buying stuff off of craigslist which is kind of weird, is that you have to go meet the person in order to make the trade. So I could have ended up buying a ticket off some starving marmot for all I knew. But, the dude was chill and I got in paying less than all my friends did. Of course I gave the dude a 20$ although online he said he only wanted 15$. I was just so greatfull someone actually got back to be, it was worth it.

So the show was awesome. Some group called Blood Something or other opened for them and nobody was feeling it too much. They were alright, but, eh. Ya know.

Hot Chip was ridonk. It was a really fun show and vibe was right where it needed to be. Nobody was really standing around looking like they didn't know what was going and everyone got reals into it.

My friend Lyndsay had her boyfriend come down for the weekend so he was there as well. He has basically the same taste in music as I and he's totally crazy. He wears hi-tops and bright blue pants and can dance all night. Mah type of d000d.

Hawt vids

I gotta say though, one of the highlights of the night was not seeing Hot Chip. It was getting to hang out with Spank Rock a bit at the end of the night. He's such a chill guy, he was just walking around getting pictures with people, drinking, and talking. I gave him a couple good hand shakes. What a bro.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April Fools Day


Check out mah snake.

Have a good one.

Thursday, March 20, 2008



So, stuff has been happening, quite a bit actually. But every time I think about sitting down and writing one of these I feel like it'll take a million years and I decide to forget about it. Well, NO MORE.

First, a couple months ago I saw this dude:
His name is Will Vinton and he basically invented Claymation. It was awesome hearing him talk about the field and how he got started and all of the projects he has worked on. He's known most famously for the M&M Commericals, The PJs(TV show), Slacker Cats, and those old claymation raisin commercials if anyone remembers those. He was very interesting and showed a lot of his prior work. Cool stuffs.

So all that was cool but now for the BIG NEWS


JHEAHHYYH BOI. 609 Clarion St, Philadelphia, PA where it's at. GOT MAH HAUUUSSS.

I'm living with two friends next year. Ray, who is a film buff going into Writing For Film and Isaac who is going into Art Education. Both are totally chill bros. I'm really looking forward to living with them and having you all meet them. This past Tuesday we met with our Landlord and signed our lease! We officially move in May 1st (or may 15th, depending on when the people move out). We've paid our first, last, and safety rents and we're all set. It's so exciting. We are seated right on Broad and South street which is only 3-4 blocks from school which is a PERFECT location. South street is where the whole night life scene of Philadelphia takes place, so it's a cool location to be in. Here's a MAP.

The house is pretty perfect. It's this three floor deal + basement connected to another house on one side which is also full of uArts students. (We don't know them, but I'm sure we'll figure out who they are soon enough...) I'll try to map it out as best I can. So you walk into a decent sized living room area where we will probably throw a couch or two and a TV. You walk through this room hugging the left wall and you go through a little hall which on the right has a staircase up and straight ahead is the kitchen. There is a back door there that leads to our BACKYARD, which is not much of a yard at all but it'll still be real cool to for barbeque's or something. It's this little fenced off guy with gravel. BETTER THAN NOTHIN, EH? So if you were to go up the stairs you have a bedroom on the left (Isaac's), a bathroom to the front left, another staircase up to the front right and another bedroom to the right (Ray's). Up the staircase is my room. All the rooms are pretty similar sized. It's like the perfect size for three of us. I can't wait to move in. It's going to be SO nice having a place for ourselves. This is the first time I'll be living without the shadow of an RA or Parents over my head. It's a big step I guess, dealing with heating, electric, water, and rental bills, but I'm so excited. It's going to be great having a place to ourselves.

All of you are coming at some point over the summer to check it out and see the philadelph sites. It'll be crazy fun.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year

I was gunna type up a big thing because it's a leap AN THIS SHIT ONLY HAPPENS ONCE EVERY FOUR YEARS YO but uh, I'm going to go to a party instead.

I leave you with this dude I saw giving a lecture. He was totes gnar.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Double D and Cup of J

Snag a pic?

I kinda did. I ended up trying about 20 different settings and two lenses to try and get a picture to come out and this was still only the best I could get. The eclipse was pretty cool though, I guess. For those of you who missed it, YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER 21ST, 2010 UNTIL THE TIME THIS HAPPENS. do they calculate this stuff...I don't get it.

In other news, Amy was here this past weekend. She tried to write her name:

Besides that not a whole lot has been going on. I wish I could say more but school's been pretty much school as of late. Of course it's all been fun, but nothing remarkable has really happened.

Uh, the 'rents and the bro are in California skiing it up with the cousins this week. I completely forgot that we had a February break in High School. It's kind of weird thinking of them just doing their own thing and I'm off at school...I don't know how it would be any other way, but it is different thinking about it like that. Yaknow?

So, I just found out yesterday that one of better friends here (Geoff) is transferring next year. When he told me I was just kinda like "Ah, that sucks" but thinking more about it it really sucks. We were planning on living together next year and we had all of these HUGE plans for parties, DJing, and starting a break dance THANG and setting up stuff in our house/apartment. But, ugh, I guess not anymore. SUCKS.

Here's Geoff and his roommate. Geoff's suckin' on the bottle...

Privaaaaaate Stockkkkk

EDIT: How do you steal a bridge?

That is it, no more news. Have a good weekend. MYCARISSTILLDEAD:( :( :( :( :( :(

Friday, February 15, 2008


So, it's true. My brother got in a fairly bad accident earlier in the week. It wasn't his fault, he going the speed limit and even that was too fast for the poor icy conditions. He's fine and wasn't hurt at all, but the car kinda was.

I just got off the phone with my dad and it's too expensive to fix the car. So that's it, no more CRV. We won't ever see him again. :(

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Something Pertinent... fact not at all.

All of the following are very newsworthy. You all have been newsed.


Kanye West Ft. Daft Punk at the Grammy's. Check it if you missed it, it's gnar.

I have nothing to say about this.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Newgrounds Office Visit + Cream Cheese

This past weekend was pretty redonk. I got the chance to meet up with a bunch of people I've known through the internet for the last 3-4 years. It's kind of weird actually shacking the tangible hand of someone you've only known by a username for so long, but after a little bit it's pretty comfortable actually. I guess that makes sense though, we're all into the same things online, I wasn't expecting them to be THAT different in person.

So Saturday morning I walk about 15 blocks to meet this guy Luis Castanon and Michael Swain at Hotel Omni in Old City. Luis is a Mod on the Newgrounds forums and he's a ridiculous animator known for stuff like The Perfect Murder and Luis vs. Clockcrew. I've known him for quite some time and how I probably converse with him on a daily basis. It was awesome to finally meet him. Swain is practically a professional animator whose done everything from Blockhead to Mastermind. He's very outgoing and hilarious, you can definitely tell so in his animations too. He does all the voices too, he's real good at voice acting.

So we meet up at the Hotel to wait for Tom Fulp and his wife April. Tom created Newgrounds in 1995 and has had a solid website since 1999. It was awesome meeting the creator of a site I spend so much time on. He's a really cool guy to and extremely knowledgeable about everything it seemed.

We headed over to breakfast at some diner and then we piled into his car and drove about 30 minutes outside of Philly to Glenside, PA where the NG office resides. I have some pictures of the place on Facebook but I actually can't show a lot of them because they want to keep some things secret until a public release. I got to see a ton of possible new features they are going to put on the site and a lot of things they are working on.

I got to meet their three head programmers for the website as well as 3 of their animation and art direction staff. All of them were really cool. One of them had this which he let me try. It's like a super upgraded version of the tablet I have. It was so awesome. It's pretty much just like drawing on paper, but on the screen.

The main reason we were going was to drop off all of the I, WZL guys that everyone from Newgrounds made. Luis started the competition a couple months ago and he finally got them all back and we wrapped it up when we were there. Basically we set them all out on a table and voted for which we thought were the best.

Bob, one of the main NG programmers (also a really cool guy) was checking out the I, WZLs when he picked up my Moss-Punk and said this is most definitely the coolest one and my favorite. He kept going on about it and I told him it was mine and he thought that was crazy. So he puts it down and and picks up my Rust-Punk guy and says "Alright then this one is definitely the second best" "Eh...thats also mine" hahaa. One of the other guys there, Jeff, comes up and says "Jesus Bob why don't you just go on the closet and start sucking his dick, then" Tee hee

So we voted on the top five winners and they actually picked BOTH of mine so there were six winners. But yehs, I won. I'm getting an NG shirt and a big Munny from Kidrobot. Pretty raaaad. I'm excited, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet. I got time.

They were also massive nerds though. Half the time they were there some of them were watching some anime movie and the rest of the time they were playing Rockband and some Tower Defense clone for xBox.

We left the office after awhile and went back to Philadelphia for Cheesesteaks on South St. They were delicious.

Thats Luis, Shawn Tanner (another crazy programmer and animator on Newgrounds), Swain, April, Tom Fulp, and myself.

It was really cool meeting them all but I gotta say I felt out of my element a lot of the time. I spent much of the time just kind of listening and sitting around in the background which I kind of regret, but it's hard to compete with people who have been in on the flash scene for 10+ years and are programming whizzes. The coolest part of the trip besides meeting all these fantastic people was seeing what it is like to work in Flash and game development on a professional level. See, I am at one end of the spectrum as a lowly amateur animator and seeing more or less the peak of web development and animation as a career is really inspiring. It gave me great insight on what working on that level is like and how they more or less started out where I am. It was definitely cool to have that inside look and things.

I don't want to repost many pictures so you can find them all on Facebook.

Besides that I've just been rocking Philly like you do and hanging out. I might see Dan Deacon this weekend which could be cool. Apparently there are some pretty solid shows coming up but I can't be bothered to check them out now. I have class in a few minutes anyways.

I caught Jer on gmail chat the other day too which was awesome. I think that was the first time I'm spoken directly to him since he's left. Besides that it's all been through facebook and blogs pretty much. It was great talking to him again. SO LIKE COME BACK SOON, k.

I hope you all are feeling a little LOST. Cuz I am.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fancy Pants

I'm back at school now after my wonderful five week winter break at home. I arrived in Philly around 3:00 on Tuesday the 20th and have been adjusting to college once again. It happened much faster than I thought it would, actually. But after my first day of classes, this all seems pretty routine now.

I've to conclude the most difficult part of college for me. I came up with this the night before I left for school and I think it fits how I feel about it pretty perfectly. Basically, I love school. I love the people here, I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing, I enjoy working, and Philadelphia is a beautiful and fantastic city. On the other hand, Westport is my home and I love it there too. I love my home life, my family, where I live, and especially my friends. The hardest part of this whole college process for me if the transition between the two. When I left home for second semester I was sad that wouldn't get to see any of the Wepo crew for a couple of months, and to my dismay it seems that most of our March breaks don't even over lap so it could be ever longer. On the other hand, I was super excited to go back to school and see everyone I have only recently met but grown to like so much.

So where does that leave me, missing what I don't have, but enjoying where I am? Is that a good or bad thing? It leaves me in sort of a limbo, a purgatory for feelings (Also my new band name). It's awkward having two homes, but I guess it's better than having only. What do you guys think about that? Is it hard for you too?

In OTHER news, Coachella released their official Lineup for 2008. It's pretty decent, but uh, no DP, sooooooo...

FRIDAY, APRIL 25: Jack Johnson, The Verve, Raconteurs, The Breeders, Fatboy Slim, Tegan and Sara, Madness, The Swell Season, The National, Animal Collective, Slightly Stoopid, Mum, Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings, Stars, Battles, Aesop Rock, Midnight Juggernauts, Does It Offend You, Yeah?, Minus the Bear, Spank Rock, Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip, Diplo, Adam Freeland, Santo Gold, Jens Lekman, John Butler Trio, Vampire Weekend, Dan Deacon, Architecture in Helsinki, Sandra Collins, Busy P, Cut Copy, Black Lips, Datarock, Professor Murder, Reverend and the Makers, The Bees, Porter, Rogue Wave, Modeselektor, American Bang, Lucky I Am.

Portishead, Kraftwerk, Death Cab for Cutie, Cafe Tacuba, Sasha & Digweed, Rilo Kiley, Dwight Yoakam, M.I.A., Hot Chip, Cold War Kids, Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks, DeVotchKa, Flogging Molly, Mark Ronson, Turbonegro, Scars on Broadway, Islands, Enter Shikari, Calvin Harris, Boyz Noize, Junkie XL, Cinematic Orchestra, Jamie T, The Teenagers, VHS or Beta, Carbon/Silicon, Erol Alkan, Yo Majesty!, Little Brother, Bonde Do Role, St. Vincent, Akron Family, MGMT, Institubes DJs (Surkin, Para One and Orgasmic), James Zabiela, Sebastian, Kavinsky, Dredg, The Bird and the Bee, Grand Ole Party, New Young Pony Club, 120 Days, Yoav, Electric Touch, Uffie.

SUNDAY, APRIL 27: Roger Waters ("Dark Side of the Moon"), Love & Rockets, My Morning Jacket, Spiritualized, Justice, Gogol Bordello, Chromeo, The Streets, Metric, Danny Tenaglia, Simian Mobile Disco, Booka Shade, Murs, Dmitri from Paris, Autolux, The Field, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Les Savy Fav, The Cool Kids, Sons & Daughters, Sia, Holy Fuck, Black Kids, Black Mountain, The Annuals, Kid Sister w/A-Trak, Man Man, Duffy, I'm from Barcelona, Manchester Orchestra, Deadmau5, The Horrors, Austin TV, Shout Out Louds, Plastiscines, Brett Dennen.

I guess it's chill.

Also, Banksy updated his site.
So fantastic.


I hope all of your college transitions have gone smoothly and you all enjoy your second semester.

Monday, January 21, 2008


I made another. Moss-punk is the "ying" to Rust-punk's "yang".

Best Fwends