Basically, four of my friends "moved in" to their new apartment on the 1st of April, but since there was a lot of work that still needed to be done, they haven't actually moved any of their stuff into it, but they are paying for it. So we all figured we have a decent sized apartment filled with nothing, might as well throw a party now while nothing can't get ruined. PERFECT PLAN.
And it was so perfect.
Over the course of the week leading up to the partayay, we set up stuff. Oh man, I had so many Deja-voo moments of the first couple raves we put up. This one was on a much smaller scale, but stuff like facebook groups, organizing whose coming, how to tell people about, and setting it feelings ever, although often very stressfull.
So we set up the necessities, a beer pong table we found, colored lights we had laying about, and a couple spinning light guys that a neighbor had.
And of course the sound system and DJ set up. I think I'm going to do this with every party I DJ at from now on. Bascially, it was Harry's speakers that he "gave" me, that I brought to school. Those of you who were there, these were the beauties that helped the Rave-mitsvah on it's way. The worked perfectly, as to be expected, sans a few overloading and shutting down of the receiver it worked quite well. But the booth was the gnarliest most ghetto piece of hot ass shitcake you've ever seen. I just WISH I had a picture to prove it but I kinda don't. It was three milkcrates staked on either side with two speakers (borrowed from mah crazy breakdance bro, Geoff(not tough :()) stacked inside each of them, and it was all held together on top by a piece of folded Cardboard that we wrote all over. Everything was taped together with duck tape and on top sat Har's speaks with the laptop connecting to the receiver on the floor. GHEETTTTO <3.
Mid Party, party shot. The them of the party was 80's, if you can tell from the pictures. So people got all dressed up and the whole week I heard people getting super hyped about it and talking about what they were going to wear. I don't really have 80's cloths, so I just wore like bright colors, which worked. The tunes spun will all hard knockers, with some 80's flair thrown in. Thinking back I KINDA wish it wasn't 80's themed, because thats what people expected to hear and when they didn't get the tunes they wanted the whole time they got annoyed. I figured, the later it got, the less they would care, but I gave 'em some tunes to rock out to and sing along still. It worked real well, actually.

I 'licked' my friend Nhut. And as much as I tell people tongue did not actually touch delicious skin, they don't believe me...

Deeeeejzzzz. Jackie had more tunes to rock the 80's loving crowds, and I threw down bangers, so it was a nice mix. I threw in some XKLUSSIVVVVE H-ROD tracks that tore up the fucking place. gghahh, it's times like that that I NEED my wepo bro's in on the scene :( YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO FUTURE PARTIESSS

Crowd shottt
I am in love with Traktor.
After shot
A neighbor, who we later find out even calls the police for a BAR being too loud, called around 1:30ish and people left pretty quickly. Weird thing was, the cop only rolled by, flashed his lights, then rolled out, and that was it. Whatever it was, people still left pretty quick, which is too bad, but the party had peaked already and people were just a drunken mess at this point so there wasn't much sense in staying around.
One of the highlights of the night was when Jackie had the idea to pull down the volume and get a couple people to yell "TAKE YOUR CLOTHS OFFF". We did it. And it was so. PEOPLE GOT NEK. There's some semi-nek pictures flying around, but I'm not going to put them on the 'ol BLOG. It was gnar, tho.
One of the highlights of the night was when Jackie had the idea to pull down the volume and get a couple people to yell "TAKE YOUR CLOTHS OFFF". We did it. And it was so. PEOPLE GOT NEK. There's some semi-nek pictures flying around, but I'm not going to put them on the 'ol BLOG. It was gnar, tho.
Here are a couple of my better friends here Caiti on the left and Lyndsay on the right. We hung around with about 4-5 other people after everyone cleared out and pretty much just layed on the floor trying to recover what we could of our energy. Originally we all were planning on spending the night at the house, but the place was so gross and the wooden floor did not seem as appealing as a bed at this point.
You guys gotta come to the 'delph. SHIT GETS RAW
Looks RAD!
Im glad I could contribute both my speakers and my XXXCLUSIVE BANGERZ
thats cool u licked your friends nhuts.
that supreme hat is pretty dang rad
AH the Ravemitzvah.... WHAT STUFF OF LEGEND
Im glad I could be a part of the start of our whole wepo dance scene....such times....
Did that lick occur during the nude portion of the party? Seems like your bud isn't wearing pants. Or did people just not wear pants in the 80s
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