Lucky me, they all got tickets before the show sold out. So I was the only one in the group of 5 or 6 of us without tickets. Getting tickets was a FIASCO. The only 'logical' way of getting tickets I could think of by using Craigslist. SO, I probably sent out a dozen emails to people claiming to have tickets. I spent an entire week on craigslist seeing if I could get tickets. 90% of the emails I sent out were ignored by the receivers, I got two responses back. When I responded for second time to one of them, I was finally ignored yet again, but mah last boy hooked me up. One thing about buying stuff off of craigslist which is kind of weird, is that you have to go meet the person in order to make the trade. So I could have ended up buying a ticket off some starving marmot for all I knew. But, the dude was chill and I got in paying less than all my friends did. Of course I gave the dude a 20$ although online he said he only wanted 15$. I was just so greatfull someone actually got back to be, it was worth it.
So the show was awesome. Some group called Blood Something or other opened for them and nobody was feeling it too much. They were alright, but, eh. Ya know.
Hot Chip was ridonk. It was a really fun show and vibe was right where it needed to be. Nobody was really standing around looking like they didn't know what was going and everyone got reals into it.
My friend Lyndsay had her boyfriend come down for the weekend so he was there as well. He has basically the same taste in music as I and he's totally crazy. He wears hi-tops and bright blue pants and can dance all night. Mah type of d000d.
Hawt vids
I gotta say though, one of the highlights of the night was not seeing Hot Chip. It was getting to hang out with Spank Rock a bit at the end of the night. He's such a chill guy, he was just walking around getting pictures with people, drinking, and talking. I gave him a couple good hand shakes. What a bro.

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