Some of you may remember my genius plan, the QUAD SLEEP CYCLE. It was pretty chill.

It was basically revolved around intervals of six hours awake and six hours asleep. So you'd sleep from 12:00am until 6:00am. You'd get up, work for 6 hours until 12:00pm when you'd sleep until 6:00pm. Then you have a whole other 6 hours to do whatever you want before you need to go back to sleep again. I think when I made it up there was some purpose, but I can't remember it right now. It sounds kind of dumb now that I look back on it, but I've kind of fallen into that pattern...we'll see how tomorrow goes and how much more fucked up my biological clock can get.
It doesn't make any sense, my body should realize that "OH SHIT YOU ONLY GOT LIKE A COUPLE HOURS OF SLEEP YOUR DUMB" so shouldn't I be tired at a reasonable hour tonight?
Oh yeah, and I'll be home on the EVE of the 14th now. Final schedules all figured out and stuff should be good. So I'll see most of you THEN.
1 comment:
I remember how pleased with yourself you were when you made up the quad sleep cycle
what an awful idea
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