Saturday, December 22, 2007


Rust-punk is a pile of gears and grease.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Winter Break

Wellie wellie wellie wellie

I hope all of your guys' tests and finals and whatnot are going/have gone swimmingly. I, however, am DONE. Finally. I had my last crit this past Wednesday and tomorrow morning I will bw making the drive back up to the 'port.

I will be home from the 14th of December, to the 21st of January. I got myself a hefty little vacation there. I am making this post to find out from all of YOU exactly when you will be home and when you go back to school.

Please comment with the dates you'll be in the 'port and if you are travaling with the fam or whatever.

I'll be in Wepo probably the whole time. I'm going to be working at Westport Pizza again and thats really the only thing I have planned. I hope to take a few day trips to shred the pow pow of the 'mont but who knows when that'll be.

butyeah, this break should be pretty redonk

KAY COMMENT PLEASE 'cept jer cuz like, you kinda won't be home :(


They have been doing this cool thing along the Avenue of the Arts (basically the street that uArts is on and other thangs) lately called Illuminations. They have these massive projectors set up and they shine art and designs across the street at the faces of various buildings. It looks really cool all lit up, and they have TONS of different pictures they show. It's pretty cool, and it's definitely something that I would LOVE to have done with my art. Now, I don't know if it's just anyone who can do this, in fact I'm pretty sure it's not, but it's still a cool idea and maybe something I'll figure out and do on my owns. I only have a couple pictures of it, but it's pretty cool looking.

This is Anderson Building...this is where I have most of my Foundation classes.

This is Hamilton Hall. There are some classes in here as well as all of the administration and admission offices. Behind here is Furness which is the primary freshman dorm. TIS THE SEASON LOOOL

After MIA a couple weeks ago we went to a party and when we were leaving we discovered that it had snowed a bit. It wasn't much at all but it was just enough to have fun writing in the snow. AND WE WROTE ON EVERYTHING. I basically wrote something on every car from my dorm to Wharton St. which is a good 15 or so blocks. FUN. Then I made this guy. He's my bud.


At 3:00 in the morn Ram is the only person I ever want to see. Most of the parties we frequent just so happen to be not very close at all, which is annoying, but it always means we'll hit at least one 24 hour Drunkin Donuts on the way back. Ram takes the late shifts on the weekends and he always gives us free donuts. It's the best. He's so cool too, he's got a nasty pair of Air Max 90s as well.

I wish my name was Ram.

Graff Stash growing.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Drawing Final

I finished it this morning at the super rad time of 4:30 on the AM. I have definitely spent more time working on this single drawing than any other drawing I have ever done (except maybe my bicycle drawing for RISD...but I still think this one took longer).

My professor stressed "PERFECT PERSPECTIVE" so nearly every line was measured and balanced with a couple other points on the drawing to make sure it would sit exactly where it was supposed to. Oh yeah, no rulers also...this was all done freehand. It takes forever, but there is something about perspective drawings that is so specifically perfect that I like. It's meticulous as hell but when it works, and when it comes together I think the outcome is pretty cool.

There it is, but the picture doesn't really do it justice. You kinda need to see it in person.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Afficial, Pedestian & Rarebreed

I went ashoppin' today and hit up some chunk stores.

First stop was Urban Outfitters. Now now, don't be hating, while they do tend to steal ideas from other companies, and they are getting pretty mainstream I guess, they do have a pretty cool style to them. I didn't end up buying anything, though. The last couple times I've gone I have just ended up looking around for a few minutes then staring at the art books for awhile. They have some very cool books there.

Next up was Rarebreed. I heard rumors a couple of days ago of a graffiti shop in my neighborhood. I was surprised to find out only lately as I thought I covered most of my surrounding area but apparently not. The store was pretty cool and they had a bunch of cool graff shirts for pretty cheap. They also sell fatcaps and plenty of spray paint that I unfortunately will probably end up spending too much money on. I'm going to go back there later on this week and make a couple purchases I thinks. I guess they had some gallery opening recently or something so there was a bunch of cool artwork on the walls and a big mural type thing in the back. There was paint all over the wall also, so I guess they did it right there in the shop, which is rad.

I followed South St. down a ways from 15th to 5th and stopped by Afficial. This store was totally intense. Not only did I get a FANTASTIC shirt but the interior was modeled like the inside of a swimming pool. They had a big slopping, tiled wall with shoes displayed on it, and it was all painted up blue. They mostly BBC and Ice Cream stuff (and my rad shirt). The coolest part, I think, was that the changing room was like a shower with a showerhead and tiles and shower curtain too. It was so funny. The place was awesome. PIX

After Afficial I went to Pedestrian. James was actually the first person to tell me about this store awhile ago but it's taken me forever to work my way down to check it out. It was gnarly and carried a bunch of just about everything. They had a huge t-shirt selection, some hoods, and some brims. All around cool store, I'll definitely be checking back from time to time.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

M.I.A., Santogold, The Cool Kids AND SURPRISE!

I saw M.I.A. this past weekend. She was playing at The Electric Factory which is pretty much your general hipster hang out it seems. The place was nice, the speakers were loud, M.I.A. was amazing. Suuuuuch a fun show. I wouldn't have thought not to many things could compare to seeing Justice only a couple weeks ago but this show killed. I think one reason it was so much fun was because her music is very dancey, as opposed to just pounding bass. I love the beats and I love to dance around so I had myself a rate good time.

This is Santogold, there on the right at least. And yeah, she's got as much sass as it looks. She was pretty rad, and by pretty rad I mean basically the same exact sound as M.I.A. She's a British hip hop vocalist, same deal. It was pretty good. B-b-b-but who's that on the left?

Oh! It's AMANDA BLANK and it looks like PASE ROCK decided to join her! WHEN THEY CAME ON IT BLEW MY MIND. Not only was there NO information leading up to them preforming or where they mentioned anywhere on any posters or online, but I would pay money to see them specifically! Now they were up there rocking out with M.I.A.! I couldn't have been happier. Sooooo awesome. Plus, Spank Rock is from Philadelphia apparently, which was news to me, so hopefully I'll be seeing more of them.

The Cool Kids. They were pretty dope.

M.I.A. was amazing. There isn't really much more I can say about it. Later on in the night she invited a whole bunch of people up on stage they went crazy with her then they left and all the opening acts came on and sang with her and danced around. I didn't get on stage but my friend, Lyndsay did. My other friend, Nan, got to spank her when she was standing on the railing in front of everybody. loool. Sooo much fun. I <3 M.I.A.

This is the song Paper Planes. If you don't really know the song you might be kind of confused on to what is going on, exactly.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Chilly Philly

This JUST SO HAPPENS to also be the exact position that I am drawing from for my Drawing Class final project. I've spent over 20 hours drawing it so far, and I'm still not nearly done.

What the hull? CANDYBLOGWHAT


Little gummy candy varies. It varies in color, shape, texture and most importantly taste. In some crazy scheme someone decided to make orange flavored gummies orange, and lemon flavored gummies yellow. Shit makes sense to me. Most often though, gummies are delicious. And most often I can tell what the fuck they might taste like before I eat them. However, this is not always the case.

Great form, great figure.

Make love to the camera.

That lime is mine.

The fuck is this shit? It's brown with a blue trim? There ain't no acidic fruit out there that looks like that to my knowledge.

I didn't eat it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Splice It

This the Coffee Stirrer project I was complaining about for weeks. I finished it awhile ago but I can't stand to look at it anymore so I've been neglecting to put it up.

I am aware that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever made, but It makes me laugh so much watching it. Fucking coffee stirrers...

Over 600 pictures were taken to make it look shmoof. Ugh, and far to many hours, too.

Happy December, and happy birthday to the brooo.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I have a desk...

...and I would like to share it with you.

*click to big*

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago. It's not exactly as clean now. In fact it's very much unclean. I labeled everything because I am weird.

No offense, are a robot. Aren't you?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Coinked your Dink So hard just now


I'd like to prove to you all that this is a small world. Like, tiny.

Alright, so the first thing that blew my mind when I got to this school was when I found out Josh Kahn was going here. Josh was my suite mate at Pratt Pre-college. I hadn't talked to him in over a year and during our orientation week I spot an all too familiar mohawk that could only be his. It was, and now we are best of budz again. He's so rad.

Meet Josh:
Tee Hee art skewl

Ok, first mindfreak was that Josh goes to my school. Back at Pratt, though, Josh has a girlfriend with Pink hair. No one in our dorm room knew her name so we called her pinky. Well Josh has found another sweetheart with pink hair as well. Not that CRAZE, the d00ds just into pink hair, I get it.

Later on in the year I found out that a kid I used to play America's Army with went to the same high school as three of my good friends here! Now, they didn't know each other or anything...but what are the chances I end up at school with some cats that went to the same small Pennsylvanian town high school as some dork who I used to play a computer game with 3 or 4 years ago? Shit blew my mind.

NOW, I meet another girl tonight who ALSO went to Pratt pre-college. Now, I knew of her when I went to Pratt but I didn't know her. So we get atalkin' and turns out she was the chick who HATED Talia and wrote "TALIA SUCKS DICK" on the Subway platforms. Now I heard stories of this and I practically died laughing that someone actually wrote that on the walls, but I didn't know her back then. Now I know her and it's even more funny. I almost died when she told me that. She's totes rad.

KAY, even more crazy connection, her roommate now at uArts ALSO went to Pratt Pre-college. It turns out she was the love affair of my OTHER suite mate Selim Benhabib.


Selim didn't know her name but he thought the girl looked like Tomb Raider, and that's all I remembered about her. Imagine Tomb Raider being said in a thick Turkish accent. thebest

OKAY MIND BLOWNT TIME, Especially Jeremy. My good friend, Jackie, knows Moose. Yeh yeh, lolwhat? Yes, the Moose of Ranssite and the PA forums and everything. Not only did he go to her high school with her but she talks to him CONSTANTLY online. When I found that out (I can't even remember how) my mind had already been blownt so many times I was numb, but it was still shocking. His latest quote "I want to marry my sandwich, but that would result in some sort of cannibalism after the fact". He also frequents your blog, Jer. Just so you know. But daym d00ds, that shits redic. For those of you who don't know Jeremy has been buds with this guy online for years and on many different websites. I believe Jeremy said he was very similar to Ryan you know he's got to be rad.

I don't have anything else to say, really, this stuff is just too much. It's crazy.

Blonde Girls Have To Die

Today in my Freshmen Film class we watched Chinatown. This was the first time that I have seen this movie and it was absolutely fantastic. Jack Nicholson is amazing and the storyline is superb. Jack's character was so cool also, I want to be him. I am seriously going to miss my Film Class next semester. Not only do we not do any real work but I have seen SO many movies that I've always wanted to but never had the chance to see. Nearly every movie we have watched in that class has been absolutely fantastic. My teacher picks out movies to show us not only because she thinks we would enjoy them and she likes them but because they are truly important movies in film making history. I'm never going to remember the titles of them all but from what I can remember we watched:

A silent Salvador Dali experimental Film (Experimental, so...thats about it, but it was good)

The Dictator (Charlie Chaplin)

Metropolis (Amazing)

Sunset Boulevard (Soooo good, this was the first time I had seen it)

Badlands (Martin Sheen)

Suspira (Awesome sound track to a bizaar as hell movie we watched on Halloween. It was great)


Chinatown ('nuff said)

And some other movie about the life of the director...I can't remember what it was called but it was great.

On a completly unrelated note this weekend should be pretty rad. On Friday I am going with my friend Geoff (I met him the first day of school, he was in my orientation ground and now we ARE FRIENDS FOREVER) to this BBoy event. I don't really know what it is but he's obsessed with breakdancing and damn good himself so we are going to check that out. It should be fun. Every now and then I go with him to the Levitt (Auditorium in Gershman Building) to practice breakdancing. I can't really do anything but he's teachin' and it's a lot of fun.

THEN, on Saturday I am seeing M.I.A.. Ahhh, I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. And, uh, get her newest CD if you can, Kala. It's totes rad, obvi.


This is my bro Yis Goodman's work. He has probably the coolest graffiti character style I've ever seen. I love his stuff.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Still Reppin'

Okay, all of you seemed totally chill with seeing a 60 LB WOMBAT SPRAWLED ACROSS MY FATHERS LAP. I guess wombats are more common where you are from because I had no fucking idea what a wombat was before I saw that picture. I thought it was a bat. BUT SINCE YOU ARE SO CHILL AND CAN’T BE PHAZED BY NOTHING I might as well explain. My dad was in Australia for a couple of weeks for business and meeting some old friends. He took some great pictures and saw a lot of cool stuff. One of the things he happened to see was a zoo with all the shtuff that Australia has that we don’t. He said kangaroo’s are weird and koalas are soft. He was in Perth too, I told him to go to a psy-trance festival but I don’t think he did. Lamer. The fun doesn’t stop there though, after Australia he hit up Dubai on the way back, the country that holds 80% of the world’s cranes and the world’s ONLY seven star hotel. Pretty rad. He didn’t stay in that hotel (something like $2,000 a night) but he did see plenty of cranes, an indoor ski mountain, and the man made islands. Dubai sounds like a pretty fucking gnarly place. I want to go. Paul Van Dyk was playing a concert while he was there too, which is pretty cool. Again, my dad didn’t go.

Alright, I hope that explains the wombat-ness.

I would have thought that the more stuff I do in Philadelphia the more often I’ll update this blog. It seems the opposite has happened and I have been so busy that I haven’t had the time to update at all. That, and I’m lazy.

Right now I am currently on the train back from home to school after Thanksgiving vacation. I’ll start here because it’s fresh in my mind and I can practically taste the turk still. It was most definitely a delicious Thanksgiving. We had it untraditionally at my house this year accompanied by our family friends from California. The oldest son goes to school in Pennsylvania at Bucknell so instead of flying him back to California they all decided to make a trip out of his vacation and visit New York. It also gave their daughter a chance to look at some of the schools in New York and Connecticut. The last time I saw them was about six or so years ago at Stamford Sierra Camp. Gawd that place was so fun.

The first Friday of the month was First Friday and I didn’t decide to sell anything this time either but I did go down to Old City and walk around and check out the scene. My friend Jackie met the owner of a pretty cool store that sells a lot of hot brands at Sneaker Pimps last month and she scored a gallery show of her own this Friday. Crazy good deal on her part, not only did she get a bunch of her stuff shown on First Friday in a gallery but she also sold over 100$ worth of work…including a couple of skate boards she made that you can see in pictures from the Sneaker Pimps post.

After that I saw the “Art of Can” gallery in the same building where REAL WORLD PHILADELPHIA (OMG) was held. This show had art made from the modification of Red Bull cans. Some of the stuff was so cool. There was a train, a crazy angel, a dress, some faces, a massive canvas that looked like a painting and many other awesome pieces made from cut up Red Bull cans. Not only that but they were giving out free Red Bull too! NOT ONLY THAT but there was a DJ who was spinning a decent house set and I IDed some Röyksopp and Ratatat so I enjoyed.

I have started my final project for Drawing class, which is a perspective view of Philadelphia. I’ve spent six hours drawing it already and I’ve barely covered the layouts of two buildings. My teacher wants us to focus the most on accuracy of planes and edges rather than finished shaded walls or whatever. I’m actually really excited to continue doing it but it’s going to be a bitch and a half to finish. I’ll post it up when it’s done (which won’t be for at least a couple more weeks). The only downside really is that I am on the ninth floor of Anderson (The main School of Art and Design building). I have to take the slowest elevator ever to the eighth floor, and then walk across the entire building, and then up a flight of stairs to the dustiest corridor I’ve ever seen. I chose the top floor because I think it’ll come out the best in the final drawing, but it’s hard to breathe and takes forever to get up there.

I’ve also started work on another project for Newgrounds. I’m not sure how many of you are aware but over the last three years I’ve participated in the first two World Sketchbook Tours that forum member, Luis Castanon, has set up. Basically I give this guy my information and he mails me a page to do whatever I want with. It was cool being a part of something that wasn’t just the intangible web pages of the Internet and worldwide as well. Hundreds of people participated including some of the best artists on the site. Now, however, Luis is doing something different. This time he set up one of those DIY Munny competitions. You know those blank Kid Robot models that people paint up? It’s basically those, except the figure it slightly smaller than a Munny and called an ‘I,WZL’. Luis sent about 20 out to various artists and I was to slow on the up keep so I ended up buying my own. He just told everyone to design and paint it however you like and mail it back and I’ll decide the winners. I don’t care about winning again but being part of the competition is great. Also, it’s super fun paint. I’ll post my two when I am done with them. The finished pieces will sit in the Newgrounds office for all to see.

I’ve started getting into sticker street art as well. I have all the stickers I need I just need to paint them and put them up. It really is pretty rad though cuz it takes about a million hours quicker to put up your piece and it’s so fast there is almost no worry of getting caught. I almost feel like there are more possibilities with stickers too. But where they excel, they lack in places were graffiti doesn’t. I guess there is sort of that balance with everything though. More on this later.

I’ll end this post with what I started with. Thanksgiving was fantastic. The best part of it by far was seeing everyone I haven’t seen at all for the last three months. Catching up and telling stories and reminiscing and going mental in celebration make being away from each other for so long totally worth it. I am absolutely in love with my school as I am sure most of you are, but Wepo is still home and seeing everyone is fantastic. Having this short break before the long Winter Vacation makes me look so forward to the weeks to come, the holiday season and then spending it all with the Wepo crew.

We were also thinking about you guys Harry, Chris and especially Jeremy… even though you were off in far away lands.

I love you all, this train needs to get to Philadelphia.

To many words, here is a picture of my roommate:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chunk Comp

I have been having a lot of problems with my computer lately. It started the beginning of last week where my keyboard and trackpad work tweak out and stop working. I would have to give the underside of my computer a little love-tap to get him going again but it didn't work every time. I was getting nervous because if I can actually hit my computer and jostle it into working order again then that usually means it is some hardware issue. : /

So Monday I bring it to the school technical support guy and tell him whats up. He takes the computer and says "Come back in a few hours after I run some tests."

First of all I should say, getting this dudes attention was a very uncomfortable situation. The tech room is in the basement of one of the school buildings were I have one of my classes. I had never been down there so I was already not sure exactly where I was going. I walk through a very hot computer lab full of quietly working students and find myself in an even smaller room with one of those 'half-wall' things that looks like of like a counter. There is NO ONE there except for a tiny bell on the counter. Alright so I have a classroom full of silent kids working away and I'm here with this bell that I don't want to touch. I can see a doorway two feet away past the 'half-wall' counter thing and I'm sure he's in there. I would have felt like such an asshole ringing a stupid bell to call someone over that I can practically reach around and touch...not even considering disturbing the SILENT room behind me.

I ended up stepping aside and distracting myself with my cell phone and some other kid rang the bell. heh.

EN E WAYZ, I come back later that day and he said "I have to reimage your piece" I say "Shit dog k" and I leave for a few more hours. It ends up taking longer than he though because he had to back up all my tunes (thankgod) so I'm comp-less for a day.

The next day I go in and he says 'Shit bro fuck I sent it apple what did you do to it?" I said "Shit man shit k" so he hands me a perfectly unused free loaner Macbook Pro with all fo my stuff he transfered over and still the Adobe Creative Suit.

So I'm here typing on a perfectly new computer with EVERYTHING on my old one. I have absolutely no problem with never seeing my other computer. This one works fine, maybe I'll just keep it and run away with it. Hrm.

That is basically the reason I haven't updated in awhile. Besides that honestly not to much has gone down here. Halloween party was a lot of fun. I mean for a Wednesday night it was pretty redonk at least. I hope all of you had good ones as well.

I tried to go bowling with a bunch of people a couple of days ago but they turned us down becuase after 8:00pm it's 21+. Alright, thats weird for a couple of reasons. One, 8:00 isn't exactly a party time crazy hour...and when was bowling all club-bouncer protected? Weird weird. We walked away heart-broken. We had free tickets too! Another time...

Little Charles Icky Man died this week. :( Poor little guy, I guess his weirdness finally became to much for even him to handle :(

<3 <3

Stay true

Sunday, October 28, 2007

MSTRKRFT, Justice, Hallowieners

A long time ago (last weekend) I had a birthday. I went to New York. Overall the weekend was MEGA awesome. On Friday I met up with a few friends from uArts and we all hoped on the CHINAR bus and two hours later we found ourselves in New York. I broke from the pack to have birfdai dinners with Amy. We went to this restaurant called "Ali Baba Turkish Cuisine". With a name like that I wasn't expecting too much but OH MY GOD IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. It's on 34th St. between 2nd and 3rd and I recommend all of you go there some time if you even remotely like Turkish food. It's not the cheap cheapest of places, but it'll fill you up right good. Soo good.

After that I hooked up with H-Rod and Mr. Minimilltastic himself. We made our fabulous way over to Studio B in Brooklyn for a bit of a sweat-fest among other things.


DJ Trouble Maker: This DJ did some cool cool stuff. He was one of the earlier DJs so people were still coming in so the energy wasn't redonk but he was still pretty fun.

DJ Laz Casanova: This was the dude that Cara (one of my friends who I came with) knows the girlfriend of. He was pretty rad. He through down some Justice tracks and the Pryds remix of Pink Floyds Education (I love the song but mills and Harry think differently). I liked him.

Z-Trip: Trip was AMAZING. I have had one of his CDs for just about ever but I never really got into it. I actually didn't even know he was a DJ. I just thought he was a music dude...whatever that means. He had a slick hip hop line-up as well as a drummer who solo'd like a crazed animal (Again I'm a huge fan of redonk drummers and I thought this was rad but Har and Chris not so much...although it did go on a bit long). Plus, he through in Tarantula from Pendulum. SO intense.

And of course the highlight of the night was MSTRKRFT. They. Were. SO. Intense. The best part of this show was sheer amount of relentless energy absolutely pouring out of those club speakers. In the entire 1-3 hour set they did there wasn't a single break in foot stomping ear pounding energy. SO MUCH FUN. Oh God were we sweaty afterwards. They were so much fun. They also ended up playing about three encores. In all honesty, my legs and I could could have probably done with out that last one, but gosh was it fun.

The end of MSTRKRFT hardly brings a close to this weekend however. I stayed in New York on Saturday night with Amy and Sunday morn I took that Chinar bus back to the 'Delph.

That night I saw Justice. Justice is kind of one of those DJ Duos that you kinda must see. They were definitely in the top 5 DJs I want to see before I die list. OH man did they rock so hard. I feel retarded writing about all of this stuff I did because I want SO bad to experience this with ALL of you. Just so you can know how fucking rad it is. I can't say it enough. Such an intense show, such intense strobe lights and overall so much fun.

The only slight downside to the show was the intensity of the audience. As soon as the first bass hit I couldn't move. It's not only that I couldn't move but if your arms were in the air, you couldn't put them down and if your hands were at your side good luck raising them. It was so crowded and so packed. At the first bass hit the entire place surged forward and I made very good friends with the dude in front of me. Unfortunately, not really someone I wanted to make such good friends with. It was uncomfortable but the sounds penetrating my ears were so loud and electrifying it made it all worth it.

As amazing as the show was, one of the definite highlights was SHACKING THE HAND OF GASPARD AUGĂ©. I went to the after party for Justice at some bar and Gaspard just STROLLS in no big deal. He wasn't exactly being flocked so I ran the fuck over and shook his hand. I said the show was amazing and he patted me on the back. So awesome. I SHOOK JUSTICE'S HAND. ashgashgashgashgashgashshgashgashgas



I hope all of you have a great Halloween. Post a comment with your costume ideas. I'd love to hear. As for me, I don't know what I am going as. I went to a Halloween party this weekend and I was maybe I'll do that again, but I don't know.

Enjoy yourselves.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday!

To quote's "German Traditions" page:

"When men reach the age of 30 and they still don't have a girlfriend that they have to sweep the stairs of the city hall. All there friends will throw rubble on the stairs and when you're finished they'll throw some more rubble there. This way every girl can see that this man reached the age of 30 and still doesn't have a girlfriend."

I can't wait to be 30.

But right now I'm 19 on the 19th


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Daft Punk, Tiger Army, and Minisplozuns

This past weekend I met up with Todd (Drexel) and Eric Goldschmidt (MICA, he was visiting Todd) to go see a show. We saw Tiger Army, Street Dogs and The Static Age. I hadn't heard of any of these groups before but Todd and Eric were sort of into them.

The story of how Todd came across Tiger Army is hilarious also. He heard of Dragonforce originally from somebody (Jer?) and he was trying to find songs of theirs online. He couldn't remember the name but typed in Tiger Army thinking it was right. Haha, turns out there was actually a band called Tiger Army that was halfway decent and sounded SORTA like Dragonforce. Teh craze.

Anyways, the show was fun, but I actually ended up having more fun than I think they did. First of all, the scene was MUCH more punky than we thought it would be. I didn't know what to expect because I didn't know any of the groups but it was crazy. Mohawks and leather out the face. The music they played, according to Todd, was much faster and much harder than on their CDs. Todd wasn't too pleased about this and neither him nor Eric really enjoyed it. BUT, I had fun because the music was loud and the energy was there so I was dancing around. I don't really like the punks but this was fun. I just probably wouldn't do it again any time soon. I actually much prefered Street Dogs over the headlining Tiger Army. They are like an original punk type band with good things to say. They were cool.

The lead Singer of Tiger Army looks like a vampire.

They did do one AWESOME thing though. I don't know if this characteristic to all punk shows or just Tiger Army but this Mosh Pit at this show was redonk. They did something called a Tornado Pit. First of all, rad name. Secondly, it involved a mass of people running as fast as the could in this circle of people. These dudes were just hurtling themselves around this ring and smashing into everything and going fucking mental. It was so crazy to watch and so intense. Unfortunately, I did not participate.

At uArts the Anderson building is where most of the visual arts work is done. It's an eight floor building right on Broad St (Main Central street in Philly). I have all of my foundation classes in there as well. So this morning I was in 2D class and some guy runs down the hallway yelling "THERE IS SMOKE IN THE BUILDING, EVERYBODY OUT" Shit shit, so we I grab my laptop and walk out leaving my portfolio and all of my arting supplies. Going down the stairs you could smell smoke and the first floor was flooded with a murky dark thickness. We get out of the building and cross the street and wait for about 20 minutes. In the meantime 3 fire trucks, 2 ambulences, at least 30 firefighters arrive at the scene and do their business. Some guy comes and tells us to go home the building is closed.

So I leave to find out later that a small explosion in the basement caused the small fire. It had to do with some electrical thing, I think. I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that all of the stuff I would need to do homework with is locked in the building. I GUESS THAT MEANS THE ONLY THING I CAN DO TONIGHT IS GET CRUNKT OH WELL.

Also, in case you haven't heard the new Daft Punk Mix here it is. DP hooked Louis Vuitton up for his Spring/Summer 08 Runway Show in Paris. Like all DP related works, this mix is hotter than hot. Check it the fuck out. Kanye, Justice AND Ratatat oh fuck. It's so slick. DP does it right every time.

It's almost my burfdais tomorrow hooray

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

UPS, Shoes and Cookz

My lack of posting this past week is due to my inability to use my camera. I have been working on a stop-motion 3D project for the last week and I can't really move my camera or I'll disturb the set up. I'll post up the project when I am done and until then I'll be using my rad COMPUTER CAM.

If you watched the Hacker History video I posted a little while ago you may have learned something. I did. Basically if you are confident enough, you can get people to believe just about anything. Well in order to fuel my street art addiction I went to the local post office to see if I could get some free mailing stickers to paste up. The first time I went the lady somehow convinced my that if I were to get stickers I would need to buy boxes too. HAH, I'm not paying for this stuff so I left. That time was just a trial run. The second time I went in I told a story about how I had gone into the shop a little while ago and purchese a bunch of boxes and now I needed the mailing stickers to go along with them. I told them I had 8 boxes that needed stickers. She bought it and I walked out with about 20 stickers. (She threw a few extra in I guess). Dope, free stickz.

I decided to try one more thing. I heard that UPS will give supplies to businesses or small companies if they need it. I figured I'd give it a try and I registered on I set up an account and said I had a small business and all of this stuff and two days later I check my mail and there sitting in the mail box is 100 4"x8" stickers. Oh god I was so excited. These are PERFECT for sticking together and creating big pieces as well, which is fantastic. I haven't even put up ONE sticker and now I have over 100 to play with. I gotta come up with some crazy idea then I'm golden. I <3 free things. The best part about it is that I can do it again and again! Anyone can do it. It's great!
The picture doesn't really do it justice. Trust me, it's a lot.

ALSO, I got new kicks.
YAY. I love them. Only $65 too thanks to a SNEAKER VILLE sale.

Lastly, I got cookies. It's my birthday this Friday. I don't know what I am doing for it but I'm excited. I'll be 19 on the 19TH HOLY SHIT. Gah, I don't want to grow up. I'm tempted to go to MSTRKRFT and rock out with C Milla and H Dog but I don't know if that will happen. It's okay for you all to mail me presents also, no worries.

I'll see you on the other side.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sneaker Pimps

Before I say anything let me give you a run down of my rad weekend.

Friday: First Friday. You read the blog you know all about then. Then there was the shoe release party at Ubiq. Free beers and chill tunes. 'Twas cool. Then we went to a beer pong tournament thing. Kinda lame, but we got drunkd. The house it was at was INSANE though. Five dudes live in this 3 story MANSION and they are paying less than I am for housing. Sucks a nut. They had a hookah room upstairs with block lights and carpets on the walls and a disco ball and pillows all over the place. SO awesome. Then after we went to Little Pete's diner. Not the same as Sherwood but it's open 24/7 and thats all I needed.

Saturday: SNEAKER PIMPS (You'll find out all about this in a mo). Then we went to another house party. This house was pretty chill. I had a big ol' chat with Ry Ry and he told me his woman troubles. ASK HIM ABOUT IT HE'LL LOVE IT. Got drunkd, went home.

Sunday: OUTFEST. It was a gay pride festival that took place on my street and a few adjacent ones. It was pretty gay. That's about it.

Action packed weekend. It was fun fun.

Sneaker pimps was huge. SO many trendy dudes and SOOO many hot shoes. I wasn't really sure what to expect before going but oh man it was fun. There were a couple of live bands and some hip hop dudes which was sweet but obviously the shoes were the main attraction.

They had HUNDREDS of custom shoes. Soooo many shoes. I've never seen so many ace looking pieces of rubber and leather in my life. Here's just a peak. You can see nearly ALL of the shoes on my facebook.

The crew. Starting with me going clockwise it's Me, Jackie, Geoff, Cara, and Andrew. Each sporting his/her kicks to the fullest.

We also saw DJ Tyger Lilly and COLETRAIN:

This guy was hanging(get it?) around with us outside of Ubiq after Sneaker Pimps.