I'd like to prove to you all that this is a small world. Like, tiny.
Alright, so the first thing that blew my mind when I got to this school was when I found out Josh Kahn was going here. Josh was my suite mate at Pratt Pre-college. I hadn't talked to him in over a year and during our orientation week I spot an all too familiar mohawk that could only be his. It was, and now we are best of budz again. He's so rad.
Meet Josh:

Ok, first mindfreak was that Josh goes to my school. Back at Pratt, though, Josh has a girlfriend with Pink hair. No one in our dorm room knew her name so we called her pinky. Well Josh has found another sweetheart with pink hair as well. Not that CRAZE, the d00ds just into pink hair, I get it.
Later on in the year I found out that a kid I used to play America's Army with went to the same high school as three of my good friends here! Now, they didn't know each other or anything...but what are the chances I end up at school with some cats that went to the same small Pennsylvanian town high school as some dork who I used to play a computer game with 3 or 4 years ago? Shit blew my mind.
NOW, I meet another girl tonight who ALSO went to Pratt pre-college. Now, I knew of her when I went to Pratt but I didn't know her. So we get atalkin' and turns out she was the chick who HATED Talia and wrote "TALIA SUCKS DICK" on the Subway platforms. Now I heard stories of this and I practically died laughing that someone actually wrote that on the walls, but I didn't know her back then. Now I know her and it's even more funny. I almost died when she told me that. She's totes rad.
KAY, even more crazy connection, her roommate now at uArts ALSO went to Pratt Pre-college. It turns out she was the love affair of my OTHER suite mate Selim Benhabib.

Selim didn't know her name but he thought the girl looked like Tomb Raider, and that's all I remembered about her. Imagine Tomb Raider being said in a thick Turkish accent. thebest
OKAY MIND BLOWNT TIME, Especially Jeremy. My good friend, Jackie, knows Moose. Yeh yeh, lolwhat? Yes, the Moose of Ranssite and the PA forums and everything. Not only did he go to her high school with her but she talks to him CONSTANTLY online. When I found that out (I can't even remember how) my mind had already been blownt so many times I was numb, but it was still shocking. His latest quote "I want to marry my sandwich, but that would result in some sort of cannibalism after the fact". He also frequents your blog, Jer. Just so you know. But daym d00ds, that shits redic. For those of you who don't know Jeremy has been buds with this guy online for years and on many different websites. I believe Jeremy said he was very similar to Ryan too...so you know he's got to be rad.
I don't have anything else to say, really, this stuff is just too much. It's crazy.
This post is too much
there is too much going on with this post
I would just like to let everyone know
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