Little gummy candy varies. It varies in color, shape, texture and most importantly taste. In some crazy scheme someone decided to make orange flavored gummies orange, and lemon flavored gummies yellow. Shit makes sense to me. Most often though, gummies are delicious. And most often I can tell what the fuck they might taste like before I eat them. However, this is not always the case.
I didn't eat it.
Ive always thought those gummies were ikky poopoo gross.
No the orange ones are amazing
They are delicious. I can't say the same for the blue atrocity...that one remains a mystery.
Always gotta eat em
once I drank a rice soda
it had actual rice in it
I thought it would be gross
but actually it was delicious
but then again I also had fermented soybeans which also looked gross and GUESS WHAT THEY WERE
no cobbywebs on candyblog territory plz
go for the blue
it makes no sense that it would be grody when all the others are so tasty
gotta agree with Har here, those be nasty
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