First stop was Urban Outfitters. Now now, don't be hating, while they do tend to steal ideas from other companies, and they are getting pretty mainstream I guess, they do have a pretty cool style to them. I didn't end up buying anything, though. The last couple times I've gone I have just ended up looking around for a few minutes then staring at the art books for awhile. They have some very cool books there.
Next up was Rarebreed. I heard rumors a couple of days ago of a graffiti shop in my neighborhood. I was surprised to find out only lately as I thought I covered most of my surrounding area but apparently not. The store was pretty cool and they had a bunch of cool graff shirts for pretty cheap. They also sell fatcaps and plenty of spray paint that I unfortunately will probably end up spending too much money on. I'm going to go back there later on this week and make a couple purchases I thinks. I guess they had some gallery opening recently or something so there was a bunch of cool artwork on the walls and a big mural type thing in the back. There was paint all over the wall also, so I guess they did it right there in the shop, which is rad.
I followed South St. down a ways from 15th to 5th and stopped by Afficial. This store was totally intense. Not only did I get a FANTASTIC shirt but the interior was modeled like the inside of a swimming pool. They had a big slopping, tiled wall with shoes displayed on it, and it was all painted up blue. They mostly BBC and Ice Cream stuff (and my rad shirt). The coolest part, I think, was that the changing room was like a shower with a showerhead and tiles and shower curtain too. It was so funny. The place was awesome. PIX
After Afficial I went to Pedestrian. James was actually the first person to tell me about this store awhile ago but it's taken me forever to work my way down to check it out. It was gnarly and carried a bunch of just about everything. They had a huge t-shirt selection, some hoods, and some brims. All around cool store, I'll definitely be checking back from time to time.
What were all those deleted comments?
Those stores all look pretty sweet kuyp. Also i agree with you about urban outfitters i think theyre fine. Jameso explained to me that they steal some ideas which is an ng but i sitll think they have some pretty cool stuff. That one store with the swimming pool style stuff seems real cool.
Urban Outfitters
it's not even just the idea stealing
it's just like they have the midas touch of poo
the last time I went in to one, I was looking for a pair of Penguin pants, and it turned out that they were the nearest store that sold them (BOOOOO)
they ended up not having it
but just walking in
it felt wrong
There's just something about the store that really puts me off
but uh yeah anyway
that Afficial store looks awesome
and the Zoopreme board is kickass
and also
get me some fat caps and narrow caps
gonna be needing that when I get back
If they got a hundred pack or something, I'll split the bill with you for halfsies
zoo york x supreme collab?
and yeah, there are few stores i hate more than urban outfitters.
last time i was there i walked in and saw the rainbow kid robot track jacket i have there with a red instead of blue background.
mind you, it was not made by kid robot.
most of the designs they steal are shit anyways. and there's a pompousness to that store that they clearly don't deserve.
jer i have a ton of fat and narrow caps if you need any, the narrow ones arnt as narrow as you'd think.
also i remember going into UO and just seeing everything ive seen before in other stores that ever caught me but the UO "touch" was pre frayed shirts and hats and diferent, worse colour ways.
But yeah, saw that zy x sup deck at autumn its way rad
gotta join the hatefest on UO, lamest store eva, hope the others were good tho, they looked it
Yeah, bros, I love that Zoopreme shit.
Hahahah, I knew if I said anything about Urban this type of conversation would come up. I was right.
When I glanced briefly at the caps they looked like they came in smaller little bags, but it's still mad cheap. I'll get a bunch and split it with you no doubt. I didn't catch how much the paint was either, but uh, I think my wallet is definitely going to be a little bare when I'm done there.
k cool.
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