Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chunk Comp

I have been having a lot of problems with my computer lately. It started the beginning of last week where my keyboard and trackpad work tweak out and stop working. I would have to give the underside of my computer a little love-tap to get him going again but it didn't work every time. I was getting nervous because if I can actually hit my computer and jostle it into working order again then that usually means it is some hardware issue. : /

So Monday I bring it to the school technical support guy and tell him whats up. He takes the computer and says "Come back in a few hours after I run some tests."

First of all I should say, getting this dudes attention was a very uncomfortable situation. The tech room is in the basement of one of the school buildings were I have one of my classes. I had never been down there so I was already not sure exactly where I was going. I walk through a very hot computer lab full of quietly working students and find myself in an even smaller room with one of those 'half-wall' things that looks like of like a counter. There is NO ONE there except for a tiny bell on the counter. Alright so I have a classroom full of silent kids working away and I'm here with this bell that I don't want to touch. I can see a doorway two feet away past the 'half-wall' counter thing and I'm sure he's in there. I would have felt like such an asshole ringing a stupid bell to call someone over that I can practically reach around and touch...not even considering disturbing the SILENT room behind me.

I ended up stepping aside and distracting myself with my cell phone and some other kid rang the bell. heh.

EN E WAYZ, I come back later that day and he said "I have to reimage your piece" I say "Shit dog k" and I leave for a few more hours. It ends up taking longer than he though because he had to back up all my tunes (thankgod) so I'm comp-less for a day.

The next day I go in and he says 'Shit bro fuck I sent it apple what did you do to it?" I said "Shit man shit k" so he hands me a perfectly unused free loaner Macbook Pro with all fo my stuff he transfered over and still the Adobe Creative Suit.

So I'm here typing on a perfectly new computer with EVERYTHING on my old one. I have absolutely no problem with never seeing my other computer. This one works fine, maybe I'll just keep it and run away with it. Hrm.

That is basically the reason I haven't updated in awhile. Besides that honestly not to much has gone down here. Halloween party was a lot of fun. I mean for a Wednesday night it was pretty redonk at least. I hope all of you had good ones as well.

I tried to go bowling with a bunch of people a couple of days ago but they turned us down becuase after 8:00pm it's 21+. Alright, thats weird for a couple of reasons. One, 8:00 isn't exactly a party time crazy hour...and when was bowling all club-bouncer protected? Weird weird. We walked away heart-broken. We had free tickets too! Another time...

Little Charles Icky Man died this week. :( Poor little guy, I guess his weirdness finally became to much for even him to handle :(

<3 <3

Stay true


phintleroy said...

My keyboard stops working randomly all the time now, same with my roommate's! We both has Macbook Pros as well. So what the fuck, basically. It makes writing a paper pretty difficult. Hopefully it works out as well for us as it seems to have with you

>Jer said...

yo jordan in my boxes of shit at your house there should be an extra keyboard. It should be in the box with all the computer stuff.

or uh I guess you could just use your own computer's keyboard.
that makes more sense.