I'll admit I was a little apprehensive before coming to Philadelphia. It is after all the 6th largest city in the US. I know New York well and before I got into to uArts I wanted nothing more than to be in New York City for school. Of course that didn't k out so well but now that I have more or less settled into Phildelph I wouldn't have it any other way. I am having so much fun here and the surrounding area is absolutely fantastic.
I didn't found out until I moved into my dorm that I am living in the heart of the
GAYBORHOOD! ashgashgahsghagshagshagshga Is that NOT the best name ever? I love it.

Not only that, but there are rainbows EVERYWHERE. Again, fantastic.

That is the sign right outside of my dorm building. I live on Spruce St. and the dorm is called Spruce Hall. Besides rainbows being on all of the street signs within the gayborhood it seems that every other building has some rainbow flag or sticker poking out of somewhere. Of course those aren't the only items poking out places, either.
that is probably the best neighborhood name ever
Im angry I dont live in the gayborgood
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