We went up and knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a riot of smells, sights and views. Just from the doorway I was hit with a wall of smoke from quite clearly more than one variety of smokable material, and a blindingly bright traffic sign. It was jumping between red, yellow and green and flashing crazily. It was so awesome. It was propped up against the wall on a table to the right side of the room. I asked someone about it and they said the grandfather of one of the kids who lived there "acquired" it somehow. I don't know the WHOLE story but just thinking about how you'd go about to get a working traffic sign is hilarious. I gotta get my own.
It was called a 40 fourty party for one reason. They bought 40 FORTIES. Forty of 'em. Since we didn't quite get around to having our own malt party in Wepo, if this doesnt convince you that we need to then I don't know what will.

And there, just under the bottle is half the reason why this house is so rad. Upstairs in the living room there was a few couches surrounding this table. About two dozen paint markers littered the table and people were tagging it up all over the place. By the end of the night the table was COVERED in colored goodness of all sorts. I marked my spot and spent most of the night drawing various things. You can see most clearly in the picture my yellow acid drips. It was so much fun.
The next week they had a party at the same place (I hope this becomes a tradition). As if it could get any crazier, this party was an 80 FORTY clusterfuck. Not only that, but I came prepared. I brought my Krink. Needless to say, I made use of it.
And this wall, is the second half of why this house was so rad. The ENTIRE basement was covered with graffiti from cans and markers. There was some very cool hits too but most of it was just signing and words, not really finished stuff. I marked my territory here, as pictured, and on the underside of some stairs. SO much fun. This was only the second time I have ever used my krink and already I'm addicted. There was also a massive sign of a sandwich that looked like it could have belonged to a subway. 'Twas rad. What college party isn't complete without a beruit table?! Of course this house had one... Bleh, the only cool part of it was that it kept falling over and every time a few bottles would shatter and everyone would get all angry and yell. It was funny. Even better than beruit as I found out is fuseball. Uh, I guess that's is all I really need to say about that...

I KRINKED THE HOOKA. The bottom of their old hookah got shattered somehow so whats the next best thing? One of those massive 10 gallon water dispenser jugs of course! Water Jug + hookah makes one massive hookah. Two hoses is a hell of a lot better than 1 also, especially when there are so many people around. The shiish went fast but it was still fun. The only downside was not being able to get people's attention across the room because they weren't covering their end of the hose. I hadn't thought of it before, but with two hoses if you suck on one and the other isn't closed, then you will be sucking fresh air. Who wants that?
Lastly, Krink is Kranky. It took more than just Chris's purple one to explode on a water bottle at my house to convince me. I used it twice in one night and the next morning I found Krink all over my pants and hands. Hopefully it'll come off of the UFOs, but either way I think it was worth it.
The next week they had a party at the same place (I hope this becomes a tradition). As if it could get any crazier, this party was an 80 FORTY clusterfuck. Not only that, but I came prepared. I brought my Krink. Needless to say, I made use of it.
And this wall, is the second half of why this house was so rad. The ENTIRE basement was covered with graffiti from cans and markers. There was some very cool hits too but most of it was just signing and words, not really finished stuff. I marked my territory here, as pictured, and on the underside of some stairs. SO much fun. This was only the second time I have ever used my krink and already I'm addicted. There was also a massive sign of a sandwich that looked like it could have belonged to a subway. 'Twas rad. What college party isn't complete without a beruit table?! Of course this house had one... Bleh, the only cool part of it was that it kept falling over and every time a few bottles would shatter and everyone would get all angry and yell. It was funny. Even better than beruit as I found out is fuseball. Uh, I guess that's is all I really need to say about that...
The first time I ever used my Kranky Krink was here:

I KRINKED THE HOOKA. The bottom of their old hookah got shattered somehow so whats the next best thing? One of those massive 10 gallon water dispenser jugs of course! Water Jug + hookah makes one massive hookah. Two hoses is a hell of a lot better than 1 also, especially when there are so many people around. The shiish went fast but it was still fun. The only downside was not being able to get people's attention across the room because they weren't covering their end of the hose. I hadn't thought of it before, but with two hoses if you suck on one and the other isn't closed, then you will be sucking fresh air. Who wants that?
Lastly, Krink is Kranky. It took more than just Chris's purple one to explode on a water bottle at my house to convince me. I used it twice in one night and the next morning I found Krink all over my pants and hands. Hopefully it'll come off of the UFOs, but either way I think it was worth it.
Thats awesome
Absolutely love the massive hookah bottom.
And it won't come off the UFOs.
Yeeeaaah, probably not...
yeah that's not a "probably" kind of thing
it's a "positively"
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