Sunday, October 7, 2007

First Firday + Ubiq DJ Niel Armstrong

On the first Friday of every month a ton of local artists gather on 2nd and Market Streets to sell stuff they have made. This area of Philadelphia has a ton of art galleries too which all open up for free. There is music and people dancing and people creating art on the spot and a whole bunch of shit going down. I missed last months First Friday so this was my first time going. I'll be going again mos def.Do you see that little Asian boy in the red shirt? His name is Nhut. Pronounced: "Nuh". I hang out with him all the fucking time. He's so rad. He's TINY, too. Last First Friday Nhut sold over $150 worth of paintings and stuff. I don't know how he does it, but I'm getting myself a little portfolio together and I'm going to make myself some CASH.

I can't remember how much this guy was selling these for but nearly everything at First Friday is super cheap. It's mostly cool stuff too.

Fucking spray ork man. This guy had a huge crowd around him watching him do his thing. I wish I had gotten a chance to see the end result :(

Jackie was selling a bunch of decks she painted.

See those characters on the upper right there. I met the guy that does those, he actually goes to uArts. These dudes he's created are EVERYWHERE. There is a sticker up on just about every mailbox and newspaper bin in the city. I never thought I'd actually meet the dude. So awesome. Apparently he's getting his OWN shoe with VANS as well. Fuckshitman,iwantthatsobad.

Here's some more of his stuff in a gallery. I love that character so much.

I took advantage of the Monster Truck. They were just pouring these free Monsters into my arms so I had to keep them. I ended up putting about fifteen in two plastic bags and fashioning some completely uncomfortable makeshift backpack. I proceeded to bike the next 15 blocks in uncomfortable agony. BUT NOW MY FRIDGE IS FULL OF MONSTER IT'S OKAY.

Friends. We had to pack up all of the stuff they were super fast becuasssse:

PO PO GETTIN US DOWN. I thought this First Friday thing was deemed A-Okay by the State of PA but apparently not. The police were giving everybody a hard time about not having any permits to sell things and they were threatening citations.

First Friday might have ended early but the night was still young. Next up was DJ Niel Armstrong at Ubiq for a custom shoe release party. When we got there the scene wasn't as hopping as we thought it might be, but the beer was free and we got to meet this dude:

He was not fun. He looks fun. He was not fun. This is what he ACTUALLY said when this picture was taken: "I used to be a photographer. I could use this baby arm as a prop. You know what I would do with it?! It'd put it here! It's a penis!" He later told me to soak magic mushrooms in a jar of honey for a month and then lick the honey.

We checked the DJ, downed the beers and bounced. As cool as that dude was I wasn't about to spend all night talking to him.

Check back soon, I have some big news.

As I am writing this I hear cheering outside my window. I look outside and see one of those mechanical bulls and a crowd of people surrounding it cheering. My roommate just told me it's a festival called Outfest about some gay pride thing. THAT'S WHAT THE GAYBOrHOOD IS ALL ABOUT RIGHT RIGHT. So, uh, I'm going to go ride the Bull. Later.


>Jer said...

I gotta join you in Philly someday in the future

Ben Kuyper said...

No doubt. Every body better come down at some point.