So, stuff has been happening, quite a bit actually. But every time I think about sitting down and writing one of these I feel like it'll take a million years and I decide to forget about it. Well, NO MORE.
First, a couple months ago I saw this dude:

So all that was cool but now for the BIG NEWS
JHEAHHYYH BOI. 609 Clarion St, Philadelphia, PA where it's at. GOT MAH HAUUUSSS.
I'm living with two friends next year. Ray, who is a film buff going into Writing For Film and Isaac who is going into Art Education. Both are totally chill bros. I'm really looking forward to living with them and having you all meet them. This past Tuesday we met with our Landlord and signed our lease! We officially move in May 1st (or may 15th, depending on when the people move out). We've paid our first, last, and safety rents and we're all set. It's so exciting. We are seated right on Broad and South street which is only 3-4 blocks from school which is a PERFECT location. South street is where the whole night life scene of Philadelphia takes place, so it's a cool location to be in. Here's a MAP.

The house is pretty perfect. It's this three floor deal + basement connected to another house on one side which is also full of uArts students. (We don't know them, but I'm sure we'll figure out who they are soon enough...) I'll try to map it out as best I can. So you walk into a decent sized living room area where we will probably throw a couch or two and a TV. You walk through this room hugging the left wall and you go through a little hall which on the right has a staircase up and straight ahead is the kitchen. There is a back door there that leads to our BACKYARD, which is not much of a yard at all but it'll still be real cool to for barbeque's or something. It's this little fenced off guy with gravel. BETTER THAN NOTHIN, EH? So if you were to go up the stairs you have a bedroom on the left (Isaac's), a bathroom to the front left, another staircase up to the front right and another bedroom to the right (Ray's). Up the staircase is my room. All the rooms are pretty similar sized. It's like the perfect size for three of us. I can't wait to move in. It's going to be SO nice having a place for ourselves. This is the first time I'll be living without the shadow of an RA or Parents over my head. It's a big step I guess, dealing with heating, electric, water, and rental bills, but I'm so excited. It's going to be great having a place to ourselves.
All of you are coming at some point over the summer to check it out and see the philadelph sites. It'll be crazy fun.