After that I hooked up with H-Rod and Mr. Minimilltastic himself. We made our fabulous way over to Studio B in Brooklyn for a bit of a sweat-fest among other things.
DJ Trouble Maker: This DJ did some cool cool stuff. He was one of the earlier DJs so people were still coming in so the energy wasn't redonk but he was still pretty fun.
DJ Laz Casanova: This was the dude that Cara (one of my friends who I came with) knows the girlfriend of. He was pretty rad. He through down some Justice tracks and the Pryds remix of Pink Floyds Education (I love the song but mills and Harry think differently). I liked him.
Z-Trip: Trip was AMAZING. I have had one of his CDs for just about ever but I never really got into it. I actually didn't even know he was a DJ. I just thought he was a music dude...whatever that means. He had a slick hip hop line-up as well as a drummer who solo'd like a crazed animal (Again I'm a huge fan of redonk drummers and I thought this was rad but Har and Chris not so much...although it did go on a bit long). Plus, he through in Tarantula from Pendulum. SO intense.
And of course the highlight of the night was MSTRKRFT. They. Were. SO. Intense. The best part of this show was sheer amount of relentless energy absolutely pouring out of those club speakers. In the entire 1-3 hour set they did there wasn't a single break in foot stomping ear pounding energy. SO MUCH FUN. Oh God were we sweaty afterwards. They were so much fun. They also ended up playing about three encores. In all honesty, my legs and I could could have probably done with out that last one, but gosh was it fun.
The end of MSTRKRFT hardly brings a close to this weekend however. I stayed in New York on Saturday night with Amy and Sunday morn I took that Chinar bus back to the 'Delph.
That night I saw Justice. Justice is kind of one of those DJ Duos that you kinda must see. They were definitely in the top 5 DJs I want to see before I die list. OH man did they rock so hard. I feel retarded writing about all of this stuff I did because I want SO bad to experience this with ALL of you. Just so you can know how fucking rad it is. I can't say it enough. Such an intense show, such intense strobe lights and overall so much fun.
The only slight downside to the show was the intensity of the audience. As soon as the first bass hit I couldn't move. It's not only that I couldn't move but if your arms were in the air, you couldn't put them down and if your hands were at your side good luck raising them. It was so crowded and so packed. At the first bass hit the entire place surged forward and I made very good friends with the dude in front of me. Unfortunately, not really someone I wanted to make such good friends with. It was uncomfortable but the sounds penetrating my ears were so loud and electrifying it made it all worth it.
As amazing as the show was, one of the definite highlights was SHACKING THE HAND OF GASPARD AUGĂ©. I went to the after party for Justice at some bar and Gaspard just STROLLS in no big deal. He wasn't exactly being flocked so I ran the fuck over and shook his hand. I said the show was amazing and he patted me on the back. So awesome. I SHOOK JUSTICE'S HAND. ashgashgashgashgashgashshgashgashgas
I hope all of you have a great Halloween. Post a comment with your costume ideas. I'd love to hear. As for me, I don't know what I am going as. I went to a Halloween party this weekend and I was maybe I'll do that again, but I don't know.
Enjoy yourselves.